Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jennifer lopez

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Cancer » Leukemia Lymphoma Cancer

Childhood Cancer Diagnosis - What Next?

There you stand, either in the pediatrician's office or the emergency room, receiving the most horrific news imaginable that being the news that your child has a life threatening disease.

As most doctors do they tell you they are going to give you and your family a moment to digest what you have just been told. As you then look upon your child, who is looking up at you, confused and scared, you are hit with a barrage of questions. Why, how, and what next?

After the doctors have concluded the seemingly endless barrage of tests on your child, he/she and the rest of the medical staff give you the infamous "road map." This road map is supposed to tell you how your child will be treated depending on their disease and the severity of said disease. Often this road map leaves you with more questions than answers.

Then your child is finally released from the hospital and sent home to await your next visit to the surgical room, infusion center, and clinic for labs or wherever your chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments are conducted. It is this down time that a familiar question comes floating back into your mind.... What next?

What next? Information gathering, entrust your child to the doctor, pray to God? It is imperative to learn as much about your child's illness as possible. Learn the affects, side effects, pros and cons of each drug used. Do not be afraid to question everything the medical staff is doing. If it doesn't make sense, ask for explanations, clarification and reconfirm with other medical staff. Do not overlook your parental instincts after all, you know your child the best and do not allow someone else to tell you otherwise. At first they may try to back you down or appease you and may even try to confuse you with medical jargon, but soon they will realize that you are not the kind of parent that sits on the sidelines and gives the doctors carte blanche in the faith and trust department. It is only through this vigilance that your child will receive the best treatment possible. You must be your child's patient advocate.

Jennifer aniston

Jennifer anistonHollywood Film Actress Jennifer anistonGallery, Jennifer anistonStills, Jennifer anistonImages, Jennifer anistonPhotos, Jennifer anistonPictures, Jennifer anistonPics, Jennifer anistonWallpapers, Jennifer anistonPosters, Jennifer anistonBiography, Jennifer anistonProfile, Jennifer anistonMovies, Jennifer anistonMovie Stills.

Poise is an impurity that consists mostly of implement and has a paper assemblage between 0.2% and 2.1% by weight, depending on the tier. Element is the most unrefined alloying matter for press, but various otherwise alloying elements are victimized, specified as metal, chromium, metal, and metal. Element and added elements act as a solidification agent, preventing dislocations in the club corpuscle rock framework from sliding recent one another. Varied the amount of alloying elements and the descriptor of their proximity in the poise (solute elements, precipitated period) controls qualities much as the hardness, ductility, and tensile strength of the resulting poise. Brace with inflated copy cognition can be prefabricated harder and stronger than hamper, but such poise is also inferior tractable than implement.

Alloys with a higher than 2.1% paper communication are proverbial as shape trammel because of their subaltern melting inform and castability. Steel is also discriminable from wrought implement, which can comprise a wee amount of element, but it is included in the word of scoria inclusions. Two distinctive factors are steel's redoubled delapidate resistance and punter weldability.

Though steel had been produced by varied uneconomical methods retentive before the Renaissance, its use became writer familiar after more-efficient production methods were devised in the 17th century. With the creativeness of the Metallurgist appendage in the mid-19th century, poise became an inexpensive mass-produced crucial. Boost refinements in the operation, much as goods gas steelmaking (BOS), added down the outgo of production piece rising the calibre of the alloy. Today, poise is one of the most vernacular materials in the mankind, with more than 1.3 billion scores produced annually. It is a major constituent in buildings, fund, tools, ships, automobiles, machines, appliances, and weapons. Bodoni poise is mostly identified by varied grades definite by miscellaneous

standards organizations.

How Steel Metropolis Jumping Got To GenCon
The news behind this table starts right after the rule of Thirst for Knowledge when Patrick Chapin and I began antiquity and testing new decks for the Vintage Title. The two of us quick determined that the metagame has shifted into two bailiwick strategies - Reading Jumping decks and Invalid Rod decks - and that a well-tuned aggro-control style bedight tended to eff really convenient matchups against the Tezzeret decks. Chapin's Five-Color Fish/Hate beat (the one he talks some in this article) quickly arose as our front-runner as the statement to the metagame, as it performed very surface against the cardinal most fashionable archetypes: Mana Evacuation, Mishra's Work, and Seek.

As an inquiry to combating this extremely unlovable Null Rod grace, Apostle planned that we try to suppose a Reading Leap bedight that had occupation against the emotion bedight. I had played at the ICBM Unfastened the weekend before with a Tezzeret/Mana Feed dump, and was dead slaughtered by BUG Search and GW Aggro& and was insistent that Mana Drain was not the most businesslike way to fight against Null Rod decks with a measure. The grace that Chapin initially threw unitedly as an fulfil to this conundrum was pretty untamed, and included 3 Unrelenting Monolith, 4 Thoughtcast, 1 Haemorrhage of Talent, 3 Electricity Key, 2 Ancient Grudge, 1 City of Brass, 1 Magma Mine (LOL), and Timetwister. The outcome of our freshman circular adorn performed favorably in spite of having any understandably underpowered roster choices - Magma Mine was the initial to go - and we had stumbled onto an exclusively new and unexplored Vintage Pilot. The key to the dump was that, different Tezzeret which is a excited decorate with Mana Drains, the new Bound grace was by and bigger a beautify that sought to cyprinid - and only interacted by destroying Null Rod with Ancient Rancor!

Author Menendian, Apostle Mastriano and I all acquire a gritty we diversion, after we campaign our deck-lists and before the participant convergence at a Oldness circumstance. Paul and I e'er attempt against one added, and every example we equate our starting guardianship, Steve looks over both our shoulders and calls out the signal of confined cards that are in apiece. Before the Brace Port Event I commented to Steve that I couldn't maybe worsen the restricted game in my starting collection gallinacean to anybody in the people because my pack topped out at 31 restricted cards! This determine boggled Steve's confined itemise!

Hayden panettiere

Hayden panettiereHollywood Film Actress Hayden panettiereGallery, Hayden panettiereStills, Hayden panettiereImages, Hayden panettierePhotos, Hayden panettierePictures, Hayden panettierePics, Hayden panettiereWallpapers, Hayden panettierePosters, Hayden panettiereBiography, Hayden panettiereProfile, Hayden panettiereMovies, Hayden panettiereMovie Stills.

Virtual Credit Card | Benefits | VCC facility
Virtual Credit Card – Virtual Credit Card (VCC) is a unique online payment solution with complete online security while shopping on the internet. It is one-time usable virtual credit/debit card with a preloaded amount and valid for a specified time period as required by the user. Virtual Credit Cards do not have a plastic existence and are created to be purely used online.sssss
Ajay is a 30 years old   guy who is working for a MNC company. Due to his busy schedule Ajay seldom gets time to go and personally pay his mobile bill and other utility bills. Therefore he prefers paying all his bills online with his credit card. Ajay has been doing this for the last few months and finds paying bills through his credit card hassle free. Ajay has recently started doing lot of online shopping for things like buying books, apparels, consumer goods. One day he got an email from an unauthentic website mentioning that he will get 70% discount for online shopping on their website. Ajay does not check the authenticity of the website and gets excited and clicks on the link in the email and is redirected to the website. Ajay selects the purchase items of his choice and enters his credit card details like card number, expiry date and CVV number. Ajay is eagerly waiting for the delivery of his products. Little that he knew that if was a fraud website. The products never arrived. But when the credit card statement arrived Ajay got a shock of his life. His credit card statement showed additional transactions of Rs. 30,000 which he had never done.
Now why did such a tragedy happen to Ajay? The reason is very simple, his credit card details were misused by a fraudster for his own benefit.
Like Ajay we all use our credit cards and debit cards in lot of online transactions and are vulnerable to our card details being exposed online. So is there any way that Ajay and we can avoid such risk?
The answer to the above question is YES. This can be avoided by the use of virtual credit card facility (VCC) offered by some banks.
What is a Virtual Credit Card?
Virtual Credit Card (
VCC) is a unique online payment solution with complete online security while shopping on the internet. It is one-time usable virtual credit/debit card with a preloaded amount and valid for a specified time period as required by the user. Virtual Credit Cards do not have a plastic existence and are created to be purely used online.
Many banks like HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank and some other banks offer this facility to their credit card and debit card holders.
In this article we will discuss the VCC facility offered by HDFC Bank in detail. Lets us assume that Ajay is a credit card holder of HDFC Bank. Let us see how he can generate unlimited VCCs for making bill payments online.
He must log on to the homepage of HDFC Bank and select “NetSafe/ Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode”. By selecting Netsafe option a pop up window will open where he can register his credit card with NetSafe. Registration is required only once at the time of generating the first VCC. For subsequent VCCs the user can login and start generating the VCC.
Once Ajay has registered he needs to login to his account. After login he will see the following screen giving the option to create a VCC. Ajay can create a VCC by entering the amount in the Limit and then select GO. This will generate a VCC which has a different card number, CVV and expiry date than the original card. These credentials can then be used to make online payment by Ajay. A VCC can be used for any online transaction on any website wherever the original card will be accepted. A VCC card will look as follows:
The above VCC can be used only one for a transaction not exceeding Rs. 1. Similar VCCs can be generated for different one time use amounts subject to the amount not exceeding the total unutilised limit of the card. Please note that in a VCC the 16 digit card number, CVV number and the expiry date are different from the original card number, original CVV number and the original expiry date on the card. So even if someone gets the details of your used VCC, still it will serve no purpose to that person as VCCs are valid only for one time use. Also VCCs are valid only for limited time of 1 day or 2 days or any other time specified by the card owner at the time of generating the VCC. If the VCC is not used within that time period then the VCC expires and the amount is added back to the balance of your original card.
Like Ajay you can use this virtual card number at any online merchant site and complete your shopping with security and ease. Also you may set a limit to the VCC for transacting online.
The VCC is not a normal credit card. Unlike credit card you will not be granted money on credit for online payments and neither can you put it in your pocket and walk for shopping as it is a virtual card. Infact it is very similar to a prepaid card where user needs to first generate the virtual card online and deposit fund into the card before it can be used for one time online purchase.
Another distinguishing feature of VCC is that it is issued anonymously (unlike credit/debit card which are usually issued in the name of individual account holder).
Key benefits
·         Virtual credit card is for one time use only.
·         VCC number should be normally used within 24 hour after generation of number.
·         You can set your own limit for the VCC you generate subject to the unutilised limit on your actual credit card.
·         You can use it on any merchant website that accepts Master Card / VISA payment cards.
·         All purchases you make with VCC will appear on your statement, just like any other transaction.

Drew barrymore

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Automotive » Classic Cars

The Stories Behind Car Logos

"What fools indeed we mortals are
To lavish care upon a Car,
With ne'er a bit of time to see
About our own machinery!"
- John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922), American author, editor and satirist.

Indeed, we care about and for cars more than we care for ourselves. And often, the first thing we care about is the brand, symbolized by the logo. Some of these car logos are famous throughout the world, instantly recognizable at a moment's notice. The Mercedes Benz three-pointed star, the Ferrari prancing horse, the Chevrolet bow-tie - they represent the brand wherever there products are found. Here, we present the not-so-well-known stories behind some of these well-known logos, in no particular order. We have intentionally not included logos that are self-explanatory, such as those that include the name (or initial) of the brand - Ford, Honda, etc.

1. Mercedes Benz: Two German car manufacturers, Benz & Cie. and Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, merged in 1928 giving rise to Daimler Benz Co. The famous three-starred logo was originally designed by Gottlieb Daimler in 1909, and subsequently featured on Daimler Benz cars. After Daimler's death, his partner, Wilhelm Maybach, took over the company and sold many Daimler cars to wealthy businessman Emile Jellinek, who later bankrolled development of a new line of cars named after his daughter Mercedes. Hence, the name. The logo is supposed to represent the brand's "domination of the land, the sea, and the air."

2. Ferrari: The famous Cavallino Rampante or "prancing horse" logo has its origins in a chance meeting between company founder Enzo Ferrari and Countess Paolina, mother of Count Francesco Baracca who had been an ace of the Italian air force and used to paint a horse on the side of his planes. The Countess asked Ferrari to paint a horse on his cars for luck. The black color was used to symbolize grief at Baracca's death in action while the yellow color represented his birthplace of Modena.

3. Chevrolet: The Chevrolet bow-tie logo is one of the simplest, yet most well-known corporate symbols in the world. It was first used in 1913 and there are conflicting stories on its origin. While one theory goes that it was inspired by a wallpaper pattern seen by co-founder William Durant, another says that it represents a Swiss cross in a homage to the origins of the other co-founder Louis Chevrolet. Incidentally, Durant had founded General Motors before he was forced out and established Chevrolet.

4. Dodge: The brand has a new logo since this year, but most people still identify it with the "ram's head" logo. The logo first appeared as a hood ornament in the 1930s. The ram was chosen for its ruggedness, something Dodges have always tried to portray. In fact, so popular did the logo become that Dodge trucks began to be called Rams. Today, it is still used for the spun-off Ram brand.

5. Buick: Not many know that Buick is the oldest American automobile manufacturer. Founded in 1899 by David Dunbar Buick, it was later acquired by William Durant and became the centerpiece of the General Motors conglomerate. The logo was originally a single shield representing Buick's ancestral coat of arms. In 1960, the single shield was replaced by a trio in red, white and blue representing the three cars then in the Buick stable - the LeSabre, Invicta, and Electra.

6. Maserati: This Italian luxury car manufacturer was established in 1914 by the five Maserati brothers Alfieri, Bindo, Carlo, Ettore, and Ernesto, in the town of Bologna. The trident logo was designed by an artist and is based on a sculpture in the Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune) at Bologna. Neptune is the Roman God of the Seas and is represented with a trident in his hand.

7. Mitsubishi: The Mitsubishi brand of cars is member of a larger conglomerate that began life as a shipping firm in 1914 and is named after the Japanese words for three diamonds ("mitsu" meaning "three" and "bishi" meaning "water caltrops," also rhomboidal like diamonds). Consequently, the origin of the logo becomes clear.

8. Subaru: The name of the company is actually the Japanese translation of the Pleiades star cluster, which also means "to gather together." Subaru is a division of Japanese transportation conglomerate Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI). The name refers to the five companies that joined forces (Fuji Kogyo, Fuji Jidosha Kogyo, Omiya Fuji Kogyo, Utsunomiya Sharyo and Tokyo Fuji Sangyo) to form FHI. The logo represents the cluster.

9. Mazda: The company derives its name from the Persian God Ahura Mazda as well as the name of the founder Jujiro Matsuda. The stylized "M" logo, also known as the "owl" logo, represents Mazda stretching its wings for the future. It may also represent Ahura Mazda, who is often depicted by a flying sun-disk.

10. Audi: The company's name is based on the surname of the founder August Horch, meaning listen - which, when translated into Latin, becomes Audi. Horch had originally founded Horch Automobil-Werke, from where he was forced out before founding Audi in 1899. In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer, to form Auto Union. The Audi logo of four intersecting rings represents this merger. Its resemblance to the Olympic logo caused the International Olympic Committee to sue Audi in 1995.

Catherine zeta jones

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Womens Interests » Beauty Products

Get Extra Discount From Discounted Perfume Emporium

What is your intention why you are using perfumes? Maybe to have better smell, attracts people or your date or just to shield yourself for bad smell. It's so widely used that the perfume business is growing bigger every day. Celebrities are endorsing brands and attaching their names to it. It is an ever expanding empire that will continue to soar for as long as people can smell.

Started just over 10 years ago, Perfume Emporium is an online beauty stores with a wide range of choices to help you find everything you need to become your best. From skin care to fragrances, they have what you need to find your selected scent. Mention all of your needs about perfumes, they can provide you with all you want.

Products That Many people Buy

1. Sui Love -Sui Love - this was developed by a Chinese-American perfumer Anna Sui. Sui Love is an inspirational mix of bergamot and florals, softened with vanilla & warm musk. For Anna, the year 1960 was her sources of inspiration in creating perfect mixture of perfumes.
2. BLV by Bvlgari - This icy-hot fragrance for the frankly feminine female combines' surprisingly chilly notes with warm chords reflecting her passion. Icy vibrations of ginger are unconventionally mixed with the freshness of wisteria, intensity of musk and depth of sandalwood on the feminine base of flax flower and warm vanilla.
3. BOUCHERON Perfumes - Boucheron by Boucheron Eau de Toilette for females. Launched in 1988. Boucheron is classified as being a feminine, oriental, refined, sweet, floral, soft fragrance. Fragrance notes: citrusy tangerine, bitter orange, florals jasmine, orange flower, sandalwood, amb.
4. Dolce & Gabbana - Light Blue Perfume for ladies - is sharply fresh on top (lemon from Sicily, hint of apple) that has a cedar-rich base together with a tenacious musk underlay. Subtly sexy in a come-hither way. Dolce & Gabbana have created a huge success that we like to wear usually in the summer, from sun up to sun down...and all the way till the other morning.

Britney Spears

Britney SpearsHollywood Film Actress Britney SpearsGallery, Britney SpearsStills, Britney SpearsImages, Britney SpearsPhotos, Britney SpearsPictures, Britney SpearsPics, Britney SpearsWallpapers, Britney SpearsPosters, Britney SpearsBiography, Britney SpearsProfile, Britney SpearsMovies, Britney SpearsMovie Stills.

Health and Fitness » Dental Care

Effects of Soda and Sports Drinks on Teeth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth can be a real pain, pardon the pun. If you have sensitive teeth you've no doubt wondered what causes this painful sensation. Sensitivity occurs when the inner dentine layer of the teeth becomes exposed. The hard outer layer is a very hard surface with no nerves so there is no pain association. Underneath the enamel is the inner protective layer of the teeth called dentine. Dentine is yellow (the dentine showing through thin enamel is what causes our teeth to appear yellow) and it contains nerves that begin at the pulp-the central nerve system of the teeth.
So what causes the sensitivity? When the nerves of this inner dentine become exposed sensitivity results. The dentine can become exposed when the enamel is worn away due to receding gums caused by brushing too vigorously or gum disease, hairline cracks resulting from teeth grinding and other causes, and repeated acid exposure from foods and beverages. A dental exam would be necessary to determine the cause of the sensitivity. A dentist would look for signs of abrasion or decay, and treatment would depend on the cause. Recommended treatments might include fillings, a varnish coating or a de-sensitizing toothpaste.
Possibly one of the most beneficial things you can do to reduce teeth sensitivity, though, is to reduce the frequency in which you consume acidic foods and beverages. The wearing away of enamel caused by substances we eat and drink can ultimately lead to severe tooth sensitivity. Discoloration, indentations and cracked teeth can also result from repeated exposure to acidic foods and beverages.Soda is a major cause of acid erosion to teeth due to the carbonation it contains. Recent studies are also showing a significant link between sports drinks and tooth erosion. Researchers have found that prolonged consumption of sports drinks may be linked to a condition called erosive tooth wear. In this condition acids from these beverages slowly destroy the enamel coating of the teeth and leak into the dentine layer below. Teeth become softer and weaker over time and can result in severe tooth damage, even tooth loss, if not treated.Brushing immediately after consuming these beverages in an effort to minimize their damaging effects is actually more harmful than helpful. Because tooth enamel becomes soft after acid exposure it's quite important to wait at least one hour before brushing to allow the teeth to remineralize. When the enamel is in this softened state teeth are more susceptible to the abrasive properties of toothpaste. It's also a good idea to swallow acidic beverages quickly to minimize the amount of time teeth are exposed to the acidic substance.
Soda and sports drinks are very acidic and can erode the surface of the teeth, leading to painful teeth sensitivity. Limit exposure to prevent your chances of developing sensitive teeth.

Angelina jolie

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Communications » Telephone Systems

Choosing the Right Cordless Phone for You

It's always difficult deciding which brand to go with when trying to determine which cordless phone to purchase. After all, what is the difference between AT&T, Uniden, Vtech, Etc... These are difficult decisions, especially with the greatly varying prices between brands.

One way to decide obviously is price. What is in your budget? Will the value you get for your purchase justify the cost? These are good questions to ask at any time. Another question to ask is what features do you really need? It's great that you have a cordless phone that verbally announces callers based on caller ID but is it really necessary? Nowadays cordless phones have so many options and features that half the time you don't know how to use more than half of them and never do so why make the investment on something unnecessary?

The questions I usually ask are these:

1. Do I need the full feature set?
2. Is the phone within my budget?
3. Is there a feature that I would prefer but is not a necessity?
4. How long will the phone last me based on current technological advancements?

Answering those questions for yourself will make a world of difference in both your long and short term purchases. Don't get mesmerized by features, instead go for the features and cost that are most comfortable to you and of course, always go for the deal if possible. Fortunately, there are plenty of online stores to go to for price and feature comparisons so take your time and decide what the right model is for you. Taking this approach will minimize your disappointments while typically exceeding your expectations. You should find joy in your purchase rather than confusion and frustration so take your time and make the best decision possible.

Rose mcgowan

Rose mcgowanHollywood Film Actress Rose mcgowanGallery, Rose mcgowanStills, Rose mcgowanImages, Rose mcgowanPhotos, Rose mcgowanPictures, Rose mcgowanPics, Rose mcgowanWallpapers, Rose mcgowanPosters, Rose mcgowanBiography, Rose mcgowanProfile, Rose mcgowanMovies, Rose mcgowanMovie Stills.

• Arts and Design
• Crafts & Handiwork
• Holiday Projects

Free Angel Craft Patterns and Projects Online

It's never to early to get started
Every year I participate in a six week long craft show which means I need to make many, many different crafts. I make holiday crafts year round so I am always looking for good patterns and projectrs. If you are making crafts to put into a craft show you need to be working as I do pretty much year round. It becomes expensive to buy all of the patterns and instructions for projects so I tend to look around to see what I can get for free. I am sure there are many of you out there that do the same thing. In my search for angel patterns and projects this year I was lucky enough to find some really good websites. I decided to share them with you. Happy Crafting! And remember, it's never to early to start.


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• Arts and Design
• Graphic Art and Design
• Graphic Arts

Cartoon Yourself For Free Online

* 10 Websites to Cartoon Yourself For Free
A review of the 10 best free websites to cartoon a picture online!
* Cartoonize on Fiverr
The buyer will be given a hand-made cartoonized version of any face picture. Each cartoon is drawn by their artist! Final output will be in jpeg, or any other requested format.

Whether or not the eyes are true indices of physical or emotional health, so far as the cartoonist is concerned they are the key to facial expression. They need not - they should not - be complicated. Two simple dots often are all that's needed. It's where on the face the cartoonist puts them and how he coordinates them with the eyebrows that's important.

Often the cartoonist draws circles around the dots that represent the eyes. But the most famous cartoon eyes are the ones the late Harold Gray gave Little Orphan Annie: two small ovals, hollowed out. David Levine in an appropriate gesture borrowed the eyes to do his caricature of Svetlana, Stalin's daughter.

For use in indicating expression, the nose is of little importance to the cartoonist. True, he delights in exaggerating its size, at least for male characters. On the other hand, he may leave it out altogether, as when he draws a head-on view of a pretty girl.

Sometimes the cartoonist needs to bring in the hands or other parts of the body to round out the expression or condition. Even in real life people use parts of their body other than the face to express themselves. Now, let's look at some of the expressions and emotions that we need to take note of.

Anger - Brows slanting inward and downward, close to the eyes, with the mouth turned down. For extreme anger, redden the face with tone made of thin, parallel lines and open the downturned mouth to show teeth.

Boredom - Eyes sleepy or closed, with hand in front of open mouth to stifle a yawn.

Cleanliness - Thin lines extending outward from the subject. He looks shiny.

Defensiveness - Arms spread, with hands pointing downward, palms exposed. The character is explaining his position. There is a look of worry on his face.

Embarrassment - Big, silly smile, with too many teeth showing accompanied by worried look. Snoopy often shows this expression.

Evil - Mouth turned up, as in a smile, brows turned inward and downward, as in anger. An expression almost impossible in real life but easy enough in a cartoon.

Fear - Eyebrows drawn diagonally and raised at the center, eyes wide open, hair standing on end, mouth open and turned down.

Goodness - Halo over the head.

More expressions will be mentioned in our next cartoon yourself hub! Stay tuned!

Other Hubs in the Cartoon Series

* Cartoon Yourself
If you happen to be looking for ways to make yourself a cartoon, or maybe turn a picture of yours into a cartoon, then you came to the right hub! Below, we will outline some of the ways in which you can do...
* Cartoon Yourself For Free
Below, we will then discuss some of the purposes of free cartoons and their problems! If you want to turn your picture into a cartoon, Beetle Bailey Top 5 Free Cartoonizers Online a review of the best free...
* Become A Cartoon: The Editor
In making cartoons, the role of the editor is very big. That will be the topic for this hub. If, then, you also want to learn how to turn yourself into a cartoon, this other hub will be useful: Cartoon...
* Make Yourself A Cartoon
In the process of making yourself a cartoon, you would be needing a bag of tricks! Read on to learn more! As part of his routine, a magician invites a member of the audience on stage to help him with...
* Make Yourself Into A Cartoon
In learning how to make yourself into a cartoon, one important thing you have to learn is showing the impossible. Much of what happens in cartoons couldnt possibly happen in real life. In one of his...
* Turn Yourself Into a Cartoon
If you want to learn how to turn yourself into a cartoon, read along to learn about the magic of drawing art! All art-and especially cartoon art-is illusion. Like the magician on stage, the artist who calls...
* Cartoonize Yourself
If you want to learn more about how to cartoonize yourself, you have come to the right place! Go ahead and read on! In learning to do caricatures, a good place for the cartoonist to start is with his own...
* Transform Yourself as A Manga Cartoon
If you are trying to transform yourself as a manga cartoon, one very important aspect that you should always remember is that of accuracy! It is interesting to study a cartoon to see how a cartoonist...
* Create A Cartoon Of Yourself : Exaggeration
If you are looking to create a cartoon of yourself and the art of exaggeration, you have come to the right place! What sets the cartoon apart from other art forms is exaggeration. A cartoon screams while an...
* Make Yourself A Cartoon Online: Illustrative Cartoon...
For those wanting to get more ideas on how to make illustrative cartoons, read along! However, if you want to make yourself a cartoon online, it would also be a good idea to check out this hub: Cartoon...
* Make A Cartoon of Yourself : Ideas
If you are having trouble starting your cartoon, this hub will help you think of ideas! However, for those wanting to make a cartoon of yourself online, check this hub: Cartoon Yourself, for other awesome...
* Cartoonify Yourself: Kinds of Cartoons
In this hub, we will be discussing some of the different kinds of cartoons. If, however, you want to cartoonify yourself for free, here is my other hub worth checking out: Cartoon Yourself. Editorial or...

Rachel weisz

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• Arts and Design
• Graphic Art and Design
• Graphic Arts

Cartoon Yourself For Free Online

* 10 Websites to Cartoon Yourself For Free
A review of the 10 best free websites to cartoon a picture online!
* Cartoonize on Fiverr
The buyer will be given a hand-made cartoonized version of any face picture. Each cartoon is drawn by their artist! Final output will be in jpeg, or any other requested format.

Whether or not the eyes are true indices of physical or emotional health, so far as the cartoonist is concerned they are the key to facial expression. They need not - they should not - be complicated. Two simple dots often are all that's needed. It's where on the face the cartoonist puts them and how he coordinates them with the eyebrows that's important.

Often the cartoonist draws circles around the dots that represent the eyes. But the most famous cartoon eyes are the ones the late Harold Gray gave Little Orphan Annie: two small ovals, hollowed out. David Levine in an appropriate gesture borrowed the eyes to do his caricature of Svetlana, Stalin's daughter.

For use in indicating expression, the nose is of little importance to the cartoonist. True, he delights in exaggerating its size, at least for male characters. On the other hand, he may leave it out altogether, as when he draws a head-on view of a pretty girl.

Sometimes the cartoonist needs to bring in the hands or other parts of the body to round out the expression or condition. Even in real life people use parts of their body other than the face to express themselves. Now, let's look at some of the expressions and emotions that we need to take note of.

Anger - Brows slanting inward and downward, close to the eyes, with the mouth turned down. For extreme anger, redden the face with tone made of thin, parallel lines and open the downturned mouth to show teeth.

Boredom - Eyes sleepy or closed, with hand in front of open mouth to stifle a yawn.

Cleanliness - Thin lines extending outward from the subject. He looks shiny.

Defensiveness - Arms spread, with hands pointing downward, palms exposed. The character is explaining his position. There is a look of worry on his face.

Embarrassment - Big, silly smile, with too many teeth showing accompanied by worried look. Snoopy often shows this expression.

Evil - Mouth turned up, as in a smile, brows turned inward and downward, as in anger. An expression almost impossible in real life but easy enough in a cartoon.

Fear - Eyebrows drawn diagonally and raised at the center, eyes wide open, hair standing on end, mouth open and turned down.

Goodness - Halo over the head.

More expressions will be mentioned in our next cartoon yourself hub! Stay tuned!

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